Become a Better Company, Together.
iCÜE will benefit your company by encouraging people to improve their personal development. When employees, students, or clients gain better mental health, you will find your company advancing in every aspect. Better performance comes from a better mindset, and better personal understanding equals a better outcome.
Simple & Accessible Journaling
As the users of iCÜE start to record their journaling, they can easily find their submissions in the calendar feature. The recordings will reveal how they felt and what courses iCÜE suggested that day—track growth with slight ease.
Personalized Learning Experiences
Take your training to the next level!
What people want is an education that fits exactly what they need. Imagine if your car automatically just drove you exactly where you wanted to go. That's the magic in the iCÜE LXP. Our AI delivery system finds what you need and delivers it in real-time.
Trusted by the Greatest
Hear It from Our Customers
Learn how your employees feel, and provide training to help them personally grow and perform.
iCÜE, our cloud-based learning system, helps companies expand their business and cater to the demands of the changing world of training by learning how their employees FEEL and addressing the root of the problems to increase revenue through engagement, happiness, and production.
Getting a learner to engage is vital, and that's where we excel. Our analytics can teach you what your employees are feeling and the challenges they are facing so that you can transform your business effectively and quickly. Our ability to guide training and solve challenges allows your business to engage your employees at a level never before imagined—moving profit and retention to higher levels than ever before and delivering analytics to make the right decisions.